Osoby spřízněné s prof. ADAM ZAJAC

Jméno osoby Adresa Související přes
Doc. PhDr. MIROSLAV PETR Praha Association of Human Performance and Health, z.s. (07905807)
doc. PhDr. MIROSLAV PETR Praha Association of Human Performance and Health, z.s. (07905807)
doc. PhDr. MIROSLAV PETR Kladno Association of Human Performance and Health, z.s. (07905807)
Ing. RADIM ZELENKA Dolní Břežany Association of Human Performance and Health, z.s. (07905807)
Dr. ADAM MASZCZYK Katowice Association of Human Performance and Health, z.s. (07905807)
PhDr. PETR ŠŤASTNÝ Vsetín Association of Human Performance and Health, z.s. (07905807)
Dr. KRZYSZTOF FICEK Bieruň Association of Human Performance and Health, z.s. (07905807)
prof. ADAM ZAJAC Katowice Association of Human Performance and Health, z.s. (07905807)
prof. WALDEMAR MOSKA Wejherowo Association of Human Performance and Health, z.s. (07905807)
Ing. RADIM ZELENKA Dolní Břežany Association of Human Performance and Health, z.s. (07905807)
PhDr. PETR ŠŤASTNÝ Vsetín Association of Human Performance and Health, z.s. (07905807)
prof. PAWEL CIESZCZYK Mierzyn Association of Human Performance and Health, z.s. (07905807)
prof. WALDEMAR MOSKA Wejherowo Association of Human Performance and Health, z.s. (07905807)
Dr. KRZYSZTOF FICEK Bieruň Association of Human Performance and Health, z.s. (07905807)
prof. PAWEL CIESZCZYK Mierzyn Association of Human Performance and Health, z.s. (07905807)
Dr. ADAM MASZCZYK Katowice Association of Human Performance and Health, z.s. (07905807)