Osoby spřízněné s VLADIMÍR PETER

Jméno osoby Adresa Související přes
JUDr. MARTIN BELAN Bratislava I STRABAG PFS s.r.o. (25060457)
JUDr. MARTIN BELAN Bratislava I STRABAG Property and Facility Services a.s. (26157799)
STEFAN BABSCH Vídeň STRABAG PFS s.r.o. (25060457)
Ing. Václav Hokeš Roztoky STRABAG Property and Facility Services a.s. (26157799)
STEFAN BABSCH Vídeň STRABAG Property and Facility Services a.s. (26157799)
Jan Soukup Praha STRABAG Property and Facility Services a.s. (26157799)
DAVID RUDOLF HEINRICH LOIDOLT Eisenstadt STRABAG Property and Facility Services a.s. (26157799)
VLADIMÍR PETER Praha STRABAG Property and Facility Services a.s. (26157799)
Ing. Václav Hokeš Roztoky STRABAG Property and Facility Services a.s. (26157799)
Josef Strohmayer Praha 5 STRABAG PFS s.r.o. (25060457)
DAVID LOIDOLT Göttlesbrunn STRABAG Property and Facility Services a.s. (26157799)
Dipl.-L.Arch. RALITSA TOMANOVA Vídeň STRABAG Property and Facility Services a.s. (26157799)
MILAN JANKŮ Praha STRABAG Property and Facility Services a.s. (26157799)
HELMUT BERGHÖFER Praha STRABAG PFS s.r.o. (25060457)
DAVID LOIDOLT Göttlesbrunn STRABAG Property and Facility Services a.s. (26157799)
Josef Strohmayer Praha STRABAG PFS s.r.o. (25060457)
Dipl.-L.Arch. RALITSA TOMANOVA Vídeň STRABAG Property and Facility Services a.s. (26157799)
Jan Soukup Ostrava STRABAG Property and Facility Services a.s. (26157799)
Dipl.Ing. Norbert Eder Praha 5 STRABAG PFS s.r.o. (25060457)
Ing. Kamil Ziegler Praha 4 STRABAG Property and Facility Services a.s. (26157799)
Mag. (FH) Harald Uidl STRABAG Property and Facility Services a.s. (26157799)
Josef Vondra Praha 10 STRABAG Property and Facility Services a.s. (26157799)
MARTIN SCHENK Kelkheim STRABAG Property and Facility Services a.s. (26157799)
Dipl.Ing. Norbert Eder Praha STRABAG PFS s.r.o. (25060457)
Ing. Mag. (FH) Udo Magyar A - 2230 Gänserndorf STRABAG PFS s.r.o. (25060457)
Dr. MARION HENSCHEL Bad Hersfeld STRABAG Property and Facility Services a.s. (26157799)
Ing. Antonín Jakubše Rudná STRABAG Property and Facility Services a.s. (26157799)
Helmut Berghöfer Praha 5 STRABAG PFS s.r.o. (25060457)
Ing. Harald Schulz Praha STRABAG PFS s.r.o. (25060457)
Ing. MARTINA SIROVÁ Jirny STRABAG Property and Facility Services a.s. (26157799)
DAVID LOIDOLT Vídeň STRABAG Property and Facility Services a.s. (26157799)
DAVID LOIDOLT Vídeň STRABAG Property and Facility Services a.s. (26157799)
JÜRGEN STEINER Klosterneuburg STRABAG Property and Facility Services a.s. (26157799)
JUDr. MARTIN BELAN Bratislava STRABAG Property and Facility Services a.s. (26157799)
Ing. Mag. (FH) Udo Magyar A - 2230 Gänserndorf STRABAG PFS s.r.o. (25060457)
Ing. ZDENĚK ŠVANDA Hostivice STRABAG Property and Facility Services a.s. (26157799)
Milan Scholz Ústí nad Orlicí STRABAG Property and Facility Services a.s. (26157799)
Ing. Zdeněk Švanda Hostivice STRABAG Property and Facility Services a.s. (26157799)
Jan Soukup Praha 10 STRABAG Property and Facility Services a.s. (26157799)
Jan Soukup Ostrava STRABAG Property and Facility Services a.s. (26157799)
Josef Strohmayer Praha STRABAG PFS s.r.o. (25060457)
JUDr. MARTIN BELAN Bratislava STRABAG Property and Facility Services a.s. (26157799)
Milan Janků Praha 6 STRABAG Property and Facility Services a.s. (26157799)
Dipl.Ing. Norbert Eder Praha STRABAG PFS s.r.o. (25060457)
Marek Unčovský Brno STRABAG Property and Facility Services a.s. (26157799)
HELMUT BERGHÖFER Trumau STRABAG PFS s.r.o. (25060457)
Ing. Jana Adamová Praha 4 STRABAG Property and Facility Services a.s. (26157799)
Josef Vondra Praha STRABAG Property and Facility Services a.s. (26157799)
Josef Strohmayer Praha STRABAG PFS s.r.o. (25060457)