Informace o osobě

Jméno osoby: Impex Source Systems Ltd.
Adresa: Roseau, 3rd Floor, C & H Towers, Corner of Great Marlborough and Great George Streets, 00152, 3rd Floor, C & H Towers, Corner of Great Marlborough and Great George Streets, 00152 Roseau, Dominika

Spřízněné společnosti

Registrační adresa Impex Source Systems Ltd. je Roseau, 3rd Floor, C & H Towers, Corner of Great Marlborough and Great George Streets, 00152, 3rd Floor, C & H Towers, Corner of Great Marlborough and Great George Streets, 00152 Roseau, Dominika.
Podle záznamů ARES, Impex Source Systems Ltd. spojen s JERONASTE s.r.o. v likvidaci (28999835).