Osoby spřízněné s Ing. Martin Tax

Jméno osoby Adresa Související přes
Ing. Martin Tax Praha Sybase Central and Eastern Europe s.r.o. v likvidaci (63673207)
Ing. Ladislav Mach Praha Sybase Central and Eastern Europe s.r.o. v likvidaci (63673207)
Ing. Roman Staněk Praha Sybase Central and Eastern Europe s.r.o. v likvidaci (63673207)
RNDr. Ivan Gabaš Praha DELTAX Services spol. s r. o.v likvidaci (45809119)
DELTAX Systems a.s. Praha 7 DELTAX Services spol. s r. o.v likvidaci (45809119)
Lawrence Wienszczak Praha Sybase Central and Eastern Europe s.r.o. v likvidaci (63673207)
Alfred Ducháč Praha DELTAX Services spol. s r. o.v likvidaci (45809119)
Vladimír Vavroch Praha Sybase Central and Eastern Europe s.r.o. v likvidaci (63673207)
RNDr. Ivan Gabaš Praha 10 DELTAX Services spol. s r. o.v likvidaci (45809119)
Alfred Ducháč Praha 10 DELTAX Services spol. s r. o.v likvidaci (45809119)
SYBASE Inc. Sybase Central and Eastern Europe s.r.o. v likvidaci (63673207)
Sybase Eastern Europe B.V. 3600 BP Maarssen Sybase Central and Eastern Europe s.r.o. v likvidaci (63673207)
Lawrence Wienszczak Praha 2 Sybase Central and Eastern Europe s.r.o. v likvidaci (63673207)
Ing. Ladislav Mach Praha 5 Sybase Central and Eastern Europe s.r.o. v likvidaci (63673207)
Vladimír Vavroch Praha 6 Sybase Central and Eastern Europe s.r.o. v likvidaci (63673207)
RNDr. Ivan Gabaš Praha DELTAX Services spol. s r. o.v likvidaci (45809119)
Ing. Roman Staněk Praha 6 Sybase Central and Eastern Europe s.r.o. v likvidaci (63673207)
RNDr. Ivan Gabaš Praha 4 DELTAX Services spol. s r. o.v likvidaci (45809119)