Osoby spřízněné s VLADISLAV JEŽ

Jméno osoby Adresa Související přes
ONDŘEJ BARTOŠ Praha The Czech Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (75063204)
JAN HABERMANN Vlašim Credo Ventures a.s. (28538137)
JIŘÍ BENEŠ Praha The Czech Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (75063204)
JIŘÍ BENEŠ Praha The Czech Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (75063204)
MICHAL ARON Praha The Czech Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (75063204)
ONDŘEJ BARTOŠ Praha The Czech Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (75063204)
JAN HABERMANN Vlašim Credo Ventures a.s. (28538137)
ALEŠ DUCHÁČ Praha Credo Ventures a.s. (28538137)
ALEŠ ZÍDEK Praha The Czech Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (75063204)
ALEŠ DUCHÁČ Praha Credo Ventures a.s. (28538137)
VIKTORIA HABANOVÁ London The Czech Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (75063204)
LENKA KUČEROVÁ Litoměřice Nadační fond StarLift (05020051)
LUDĚK PALATA Praha The Czech Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (75063204)
ALEŠ ZÍDEK Praha The Czech Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (75063204)
VIKTORIA HABANOVÁ London The Czech Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (75063204)
ANDREJ KISKA Poprad Nadační fond StarLift (05020051)
LUDĚK PALATA Opava The Czech Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (75063204)
ANDREJ KISKA Poprad Nadační fond StarLift (05020051)
LUDĚK PALATA Praha The Czech Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (75063204)
LUDĚK PALATA Opava The Czech Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (75063204)
MICHAL ARON Praha The Czech Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (75063204)
LENKA KUČEROVÁ Litoměřice Nadační fond StarLift (05020051)
TOMÁŠ DOLEŽIL Praha The Czech Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (75063204)
RADIM KOCOUREK Brno Nadační fond StarLift (05020051)
JITKA LOGESOVÁ Praha The Czech Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (75063204)
Ing. VLADISLAV JEŽ Praha Credo Ventures a.s. (28538137)
Jan Hebermann Praha 5 Credo Ventures a.s. (28538137)
ALEŠ DUCHÁČ Praha Credo Ventures a.s. (28538137)
Jan Habermann Praha 5 Credo Ventures a.s. (28538137)
MICHAL ČERNOCKÝ Jablůnka Credo Ventures a.s. (28538137)
Ing. Vladislav Jež Praha Credo Ventures a.s. (28538137)
ALAN RASSABY Praha Nadační fond StarLift (05020051)
VLADISLAV JEŽ Praha Nadační fond StarLift (05020051)
MICHAL ARON Praha The Czech Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (75063204)
VLADISLAV JEŽ Praha Credo Ventures a.s. (28538137)
TOMÁŠ DOLEŽIL Praha The Czech Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (75063204)
Jan Hebermann Praha 5 Credo Ventures a.s. (28538137)
Bartoš Ondřej Praha The Czech Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (75063204)
ONDŘEJ VIČAR Olomouc The Czech Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (75063204)
Jan Habermann Praha 5 Credo Ventures a.s. (28538137)
Wei-Hai Chu Praha 6 Credo Ventures a.s. (28538137)
Aron Michal Praha The Czech Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (75063204)
JAROSLAV TROJAN Praha The Czech Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (75063204)
JAN TOPINKA Praha The Czech Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (75063204)
Tomáš Orlík Praha Credo Ventures a.s. (28538137)
Bartoš Ondřej Praha The Czech Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (75063204)
Jan Habermann Praha Credo Ventures a.s. (28538137)
Aron Michal Praha The Czech Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (75063204)
EMÍLIA WARDROP MAMAJOVÁ Praha The Czech Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (75063204)
ALEŠ DUCHÁČ Praha Nadační fond StarLift (05020051)